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4 Reasons Your Business Should Consider A Data Center

Maintaining physical servers are cumbersome for many small- and medium-sized businesses, so they have turned to using data service centers as a solution.

Years ago, businesses relied upon having to maintain physical servers onsite in their offices. Today, that’s all changed. Infrastructure has shifted away from this traditional concept to one of virtualization— businesses are no longer anchored to the idea of storing their server, applications and data onsite in their offices.

Here are four reasons you may consider taking advantage of A DATA Center solution.

1. Reliability

Due to power outages, Internet outages, natural disasters and other potential issues, collocating your company's server or hosting your server in Kappa's data center could be crucial. A data center provides redundant (multiple) Internet connections, a temperature-controlled environment, high levels of security and if the power goes out, massive generators to sustain through the worst of storms, helping promote 100% uptime. A data center ensures it has power even when you don’t, allowing your company to function without the single point of failure scenario.

If you have multiple locations, have remote employees spread across multiple areas, or are a nationwide company, you should consider a data center to prevent one point of failure for your entire company.

2. Cutting Costs

For many firms, extended periods of downtime caused by malfunctioning on-premise power, inclement weather and cooling equipment can be some of the most serious risks to productivity. How much revenue would your company lose if you were down for a day, two days or more? Would your clients lose faith in your business if you could not work efficiently when they are relying on your expert services? Co-locating or having a hosted server would elevate the potential for a downed network and in turn save you money and your business's reputation.


  • Reduced Electricity Bills - Servers require a lot of electricity.

  • Lower A/C Costs - Servers need to stay cool, maintain longevity and reliability.

  • Reduced Internet Costs

  • Reduced Server Supporting Equipment Costs

3. Scalability

Data is being generated at a tremendous pace. By 2023, it’s anticipated 1.7 MB of data will be created every second for every single person on earth. That’s mind-blowing. Going forward, your business data needs are going to continue to grow rapidly. A major benefit of turning to a data service center is that scalability is not a problem; you can increase your needs incrementally as you go. If the need to expand comes up, it is very easy to do so in a data center. If more space, internet bandwidth, or power is needed, these can usually be added quickly, compared to weeks or months waiting for reconstruction, or utilities to be brought to your facility.


Colocation and hosted servers pack in a major security punch, with key card readers, biometric scanners that regulate the entry into the building. Colocations also have 24 hours per day, 365 days per year surveillance and on-site staff protecting the equipment. In most standard office buildings, the server closet is one of the last things thought of, and when you factor in this security threat, you may find data centers are usually the best option for protecting the valuable data your business depends on.


So, What's IS the difference between a CO-LO AND A hosted server?

What is Colocation (co-lo)?

Colocation refers to the practice of housing your servers and devices in a professional data center rather than in-house (your office location.) The colocation data center provides the infrastructure like the building itself, cooling, bandwidth, and security, among others. You will still have control of your data and hardware systems 24/7. It will be exactly as if you were running things yourself in your own office.

What is a "Hosted Server?"

When opting for a hosted server, you are renting private virtual server space from a Kappa rather than purchasing a physical server. Hosted servers are typically deployed quickly and offer scalability and flexibility, adding more space and speed up or down, pending on your needs. It lets you transform the software programs your company uses, moving from locally installed servers to servers that run in the Kappa's data center. Hosted Servers allow you to have an independent server solution at a lower cost than deploying physical servers at your company location. Access to your hosted server is as easy as if it were in your own office.

Here at Kappa we own and operate our own data center. Our facility provides the highest level of physical security, availability and environmental control compliance. Designed with concurrent maintainability, Kappa's data center provides infrastructure redundancy and high availability.

That being said, we know all companies are not created equal.

Is a data center solution right for you?

Kappa can help you determine if a data center will work for your company's specific needs. Contact Kappa today to speak with us and see if our data center can bring a benefit your company.

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