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Should've, Could've, Would've

Used a Better Password!

You must change your password in order to ensure the security of your computer and email accounts. Below are some tips and facts about password security.

1. Don't Repeat Passwords Between Accounts

  • Do not use the same password for work and personal activities.

  • That will mean if someone guesses one, they can access everything you have.

2. Change Your Password Often

  • The longer you have a given password, the more likely it will be compromised at some point.

  • Do not reuse the same password when asked to change your password.​​​​​​

3. Don't Set Your Password to Something Too Easy to Guess

Strong passwords should include the following best practices;

  • Should not be left blank.

  • Must be at least eight characters in length.

  • Must contain a character from three of the following four character sets:

- Lower case characters (e.g. a to z)

- Uppercase characters (e.g. A to Z)

- Numeric digits (e.g. 0 to 9)

- Character symbols (e.g. + = ( ) & % ! ? > <)

4. Keep Personal Information Out

The 10 worst password ideas as revealed by Google:

  1. Pet names

  2. A notable date, such as a wedding anniversary

  3. A family member’s birthday

  4. Your child’s name

  5. Another family member’s name

  6. Your birthplace

  7. A favorite holiday

  8. Something related to your favorite sports team

  9. The name of a significant other

  10. The word “Password”

5. Use Sites with Two-factor Authentication

When possible, having this option means you need an additional code to log in with your password. This will help stop hackers from using your information.

FACT: 47% of People Use Passwords Older Than 5 Years

Many programs and websites no longer allow you to use your previous password.

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